Colchester Mascot 1600 Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Bobby, I looked at the photos that cutter posted and the warnings about non authorized attachments and after a long consideration of the above factors. It appears to me that it will be a really hard repair. To show my good faith I am willing to take on the necessary fixes. If you will crate it and ship it to me I will at my own expense send you a very well oiled Seneca Star with two new chucks and a new tool holder. I have some tooling and will send you everyting that I bought for it but the stuff I have ground and bled over must remain in my possession.
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I am afraid it the advances in angles I have made were made public there would be a complete change in machining. The economy is bad and Obummer wants us all to help make it better.
I am afraid many skilled workers would be idled if my secrets got out. To show that I am willing to do my part, let me know when the crating is done and I will send the Star on a local truck and switch with you so you aren't out any shipping. To make things easier for all please drop by your profile sheet and fill it out so I can better serve you. When youa re talking 'drive' are you talking the spindle, or the feed/leadscrew? Colchester has clutches that engage to drive the spindle, when you start the lathe the motor is running, the spindle isn't. Moving the lever on the apron then engages the clutch to drive the spindle.
There are also slip clutches in the lead screw and feed power rod on most of the Colchester's I've seen/ran too. I never got into clutch adjustments on Colchesters, the only one I did was a Harrison and that was 20 years ago. Hopefully you can find the procedure online somewhere, it's not something I would want to tackle without some reference material.
The lath in the pic that cutter posted is the one. The problem i am having is that when you put the drive arm in the down position it is starting to take a while to get up to speed. If you lift the drive leaver to go the otheir direction it takes right off. I took the covers off and unhooked the linkages and tried it manually just to be sure that one of them over time didn't get out of wack but it did not make any diffence. I think what is making me think it might be the clutches is when i was looking in from the top i took my long skinny screw driver and placed it between the disc and 2 of them apeared to be the same and one set had more gap now i know i probly should guage it but i could tell it was more oh the power was off and it was locked out and taged out while my hands were in the gears. Yep, it's the drive clutches needing adjustment.
Sound Effects For Djs Dancehall Free Downloads. You'll have to do some hunting for a manual, if you can't find anything electronic in the near future, I'll see if I can borrow and scan the needed parts from a friend, I think his Colchester is also a Mascot. I suspect the clutches would be similar enough in most of those that a similar model manual might also work for you. Also trying to remember.when i was there a year or so ago he went to use the lathe, and a pin in the headstock had worked out. I think it was in the linkage to activate the clutch as well, and was a pressed in place dowel. May want to peek and make sure that none of yours are working out.though I doubt it's going to change the current issue for you. Welcome to the site John. We like pictures but do them a little different, Please read #1 below FAQ.