Mauser 22 Rifle Serial Numbers
Merry Christmas, everyone! Here are some photos of a Mauser 22 Dad recently passed along to me. It came back with. Other than the serial number, the only number I've found is '459', after the serial number on the barrel. And, it actually does say. '22 LONG RIFLE'. It also has the letters 'G' 'B' and 'U'. May 16, 2012 Model 98 Mauser identification site Curio & Relic/Black Powder. This is part of the serial number of a rifle I am looking at getting. Add To the Turkish Mauser Serial Number Database. A database of serial numbers is being maintained as a research project. The basic goal of the research is to. Cnc Software Mastercam.
Merry Christmas, everyone! Ascensori Elettrici E Idraulici Pdf Free. Here are some photos of a Mauser 22 Dad recently passed along to me. It came back with Dad from WWII, so has special meaning. I remember shooting it as a boy, and falling in love with it then. It is remarkably accurate. Over the past 20 years it had been neglected.
It had been stored in a garage, and subject to a lot of moisture. When he gave it to me, it had rust speckling all over, the stock was moldy, and the action was gummed up so bad that the firing pin was barely able to move. So, I tore it down to the smallest part and cleaned it, rubbed out the barrel and receiver with 0000 steel wool and oil, and cleaned the stock thoroughly with mineral spirits. Can anyone help identify it? There are lots of numbers and marks on it, both on the outside and under the stock. I took pics of some of them, but none state a model #.