Qt Serial Port Baud Rate List
Under Windows 7, Qt 5.3 I have problems to set the baudrate of a QSerialPort: @QSerialPort *serial = new QSerialPort(this); serial->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); serial->setBaudRate(115200);@ setBaudRate returns true, but on some machines the baudrate is not actually set. I need to open/close the port with an external serial terminal (like RealTerm) with the desired baudrate in order to get it works. I tried to set the baudrate before opening the port with no chance. On other computers (same o.s., same Qt version, same USB/RS232 converter) it works fine. I cannot understand where is the mistake. Anyway, do you know any workaround to BE SURE the baudrate is really set?
I'm puzzling over using Windows API or even launch a command-line terminal with QProcess. Thanks for the comment.
I was working with QExtSerialPort sometime ago and I remember a similar problem before QSerialPort was introduced in a Qt distribution. Nox No Cd Crack 1.2b. So maybe I have mixed things up.
Qt5 serial port to use more than a good Qt4. Set the corresponding serial port, baud rate and other information. Serial Port Interfacing in Qt. Since we need super-user permission to work with serial port. QT and QExtSerialPort. I wrote some basic code to open the serial port and send a command to the ECUEmu.
You could also try to set the baudrate to i.e. 9600 first and then back to 150kBd again in order to change any underlying variable.
But this still wouldn't explain why it works on some PCs and not on others. On the other hand it may help to debug down to the win32 code of QSerialPort on a system that works and on another that doesn't.
Download Endless Summer Nights Mp3 on this page. Maybe this could help you discover why true ist returned from the software and nothing happens on the hardware.