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Author by: Christoph Demmke Language: en Publisher by: Peter Lang Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 13 Total Download: 527 File Size: 42,6 Mb Description: This volume compares and analyses the national civil services and the most important reform trends in the 27 Member States of the European Union. The authors first examine the reform processes concerning civil servants' legal status, organisational changes, recruitment policies, remuneration, decentralisation of human resource responsibilities, job security and ethics. They consider in what ways similarities and differences can be detected amongst the 27 Member States and whether and to what extent the national civil services move away from traditional bureaucratic structures. Finally, the authors discuss the main outcomes of the reform processes and the future of the classical civil service. This publication contrasts with the many popular and speculative statements that too often capture the headlines on the future of the civil service and the different human resource management reforms.
Instead, it is a measured conclusion about emerging trends and developments in this important policy area. The authors argue that the reform of the public sector will not, as many have predicted, be characterised by clear changes and progress in the area. Instead, the outcomes of the reform reveal a more complex picture of piecemeal and paradoxical patterns of change.
Author by: Anton Bierl Language: de Publisher by: Walter de Gruyter Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 40 Total Download: 307 File Size: 50,6 Mb Description: In 'Antike Literatur in neuer Deutung,' a book dedicated to Joachim Latacz, a group of scholars of high international standing present the most recent developments and acquirements in several important areas of ancient literature und philosophy. The first eight contributions, dealing with Homeric studies, are followed by a number of essays on presocratic philosophy, Greek tragedy and comedy, the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, Hellenistic epic, Roman literature, and papyrology. Author by: Jan Wenzel Language: en Publisher by: Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 52 Total Download: 138 File Size: 50,8 Mb Description: Wenzel's workspace is one of those small booths found in shopping malls or on beachside boardwalks that people use to make candid, spur-of-the-moment photographs. He decorates the booth as a kitchen or a living room and crowds actors and models into the tiny space. From the standardized pictures the machine spits out, he creates collages of strange rooms complete with tiles and wallpaper, tables and chairs, lamps and pots. After each photo session Wenzel and his team redecorate the booth with new wallpaper and new furniture. This album presents a variety of different themes, such as interiors, flight, dead animals, the Pergamon Frieze, and many more.
Author by: Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg Language: de Publisher by: Peter Lang Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 23 Total Download: 926 File Size: 51,6 Mb Description: Dieser Band dokumentiert eine Reihe von Beitragen der XIV. Internationalen wissenschaftlichen Konferenz zum Thema 'Bildungs- und Kulturmanagement,' die vom Ministerium fur Bildung und Wissenschaft der Republik Litauen, der Padagogischen Universitat Vilnius (VPU) und der Universitat Tallinn gemeinsam konzipiert und veranstaltet wurden. Das Hauptthema der Konferenz war die Verknupfung der Hochschul- und Schulbildung: Humanistische Tradition und Perspektivenwechsel im Bildungs- und Erziehungsbereich unter Berucksichtigung neuer Strukturen des Denkens und Managementstrategien im Hinblick auf die Herausforderungen der Gesellschaft des kommenden Jahrzehnts.
This volume presents contributions of the XIV. International scientific meeting on 'The Management of Education and Culture.' This was conceived and organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, the Vilnius Pedagogical University (VPU), and the university of Tallinn. The meeting topic was the combination of University and High school education: humanistic/classical tradition and change of perspectives in the field of education and schooling under consideration of new structures of thinking and management strategies with regard to challenges of the society of the next decade.' Author by: Verena Kast Language: en Publisher by: Daimon Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 74 Total Download: 639 File Size: 43,8 Mb Description: Verena Kast refers to Sisyphus as the 'myth of the forty-year-olds,' who often experience their lot in life to be a Sisyphus task. Are our human efforts all in vain, or is there some meaning to be found? In the end, it is a struggle with death itself.