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Part 2: What whole language writers have had to say about literacy. • • This section comprises a collection of quotes intended to illustrate the set of beliefs that drove whole language practices. In my previous blog on whole language, I argued that many of the practices derived from those beliefs are contrary to what is known about teaching effectiveness and, in particular, what promotes reading development. What is whole language anyway? Hmm, it’s hard to say.
Bergeron (1990), after a review of the major writers, concluded 'one cannot draw from the literature a concise definition for whole language because no such definition was found to exist' (p. What does the term whole language mean? Musik Von Deezer Herunterladen Hoeren on this page. Constructing a definition from the literature. Journal of Reading Behavior, 22, 301-329. Whole language beliefs inconsistent with research findings: 1. Whole language belief: That reading is natural, and instruction is unnecessary and unhelpful.
The notion that reading development is essentially the same as language development, and develops in the same natural manner has long been a WL millstone. “Literacy learning proceeds naturally if the environment support young children’s experimentation with print.” Schickendanz, J. More than the ABC’s: The early stages of reading and writing. Washington, DC: NAEYC. 'The most effective way we can guide children toward the understandings they need in order to make sense with print is to replicate, as far as possible, the conditions that proved so successful with oral language, and do just what we do. Keeping the language cue systems together, immerse learners in the whole language of songs, poems, and memorable selections of narrative and non-narrative text. Provide continual opportunities for read-to, read-with, and independent reading and writing.
Model, prompt, enjoy, standby, and let them figure out how it all works. Readers and writers from the start, if we encourage them, children dive in, for the experience of meaning, just as they did with speech”. Whole Language Teachers Association Newsletter (Spring 1988).
”Whole language advocates frequently assert that the key to learning language well rests in enjoying the learning process. They affirm that because whole language constitutes a more natural way of learning language, students will enjoy learning more and hence learn more”(p.36). Jeynes, W.H., & Littell, S.W. A meta-analysis of studies examining the effect of whole language instruction on the literacy of low-SES students.
The Elementary School Journal, 101, 21-38. A whole language belief inconsistent with research is that the use of contextual cues is the sign of skilled reading. If it were true then one could understand how, for WL, meaning is not just the objective, but also the driver, the means, for reading development.
Unfortunately for WL, it isn’t the case that contextual cues are indicative of skilled reading. Below are quotes indicating how strongly wedded WL is to this misunderstanding.
“ all proficient readers use three major subsystems or cueing systems of language in order to construct meaning from text: the semantic, syntactic, and graphophonic systems”. Cambourne, B. & Turbill, J. Looking back to look forward: Understanding the present by revisiting the past: An Australian perspective. International Journal of Progressive Education, 3(2), 8-28. ”Goodman et al.
(1987) consider that semantic cues are deep structure processes, while grapho-phonic cues are surface structure processes. Smith (2004) explains that deep structure processes involve knowledge and meaning, while surface structure processes are the physical characteristics of text such as the visual and sound properties. Goodman et al.