Look Up Military Records By Serial Number
Finding Service Records. Is the official repository for records of military personnel who. Home About Participate Database Search. Army Serial Numbers (ASN) are part of an official designation, and will appear in every military record, in which the name of the holder appear. This comprehensive military history collection includes. Entries may include Army serial number First name Last name State and. Enlistment Records.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Home Sources If the veteran is still alive, ask his or her help finding records. Gather facts from sources at home,and talk to relatives. Look for discharge papers.
Look for clues about where he or she lived and served. Wiki Articles Use the research wiki articles.
Family History Library Sources The Family History Library has only a few World War II records, mostly selected. They contain rosters, brief biographies, and usually photographs of men and equipment. To find unit histories use in the under United States and the topic Military History or Military Records, followed by the topic World War, 1939-1945. In the Family History Library you may find a few other World War II sources found by using a Places Search for the servicement's home state, county, or town, followed the topic Military Records. Social Security Death Index Veterans who died since 1962 may be in a index on the Internet.
The index provides the deceased person's birth date, social security number, state where the social security card was issued, month and year of death, and sometimes the residence and zip code where the death benefit was sent. Discharge Papers If you know a serviceman's hometown, inquire about his discharge papers at his county recorder's office. Download Driver Sharp Ar 5320e Windows 7 32 Bit here. Servicemen were asked (but not required) to register their separation form DD-214. This paper gives their rank, unit, service number, separation date and place, birth date and place, physical description, pay, assignments, and awards.
Many veterans kept a copy athome. Call directory assistance to get the phone number and address of a veteran's county recorder's office. For an example of a discharge paper (a.pdf file), see. Veterans Affairs Records Many veterans received a G.I. Bill educations, veterans' hospital or health benefits, or housing loan benefits. If you know the veteran's name, birth date, death date, and Social Security number, you can request information from the nearest U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
They may be able to provide insurance, birth date,service number, service entry and separation dates, service branch, pay grade, or claim folder location. Veterans Affairs offices are in the U.S.
Government section of the telephone book. Veterans Associations Contact organizations like the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, or American Ex-Prisoners of War to ask for a vetera's application, or to find people who might have known your veteran. VFW applications include a copy of the discharge papers form DD-214. A local post of the association is more likely to have applications and other records than the national headquarters. Look in the telephone book for phone numbers or the Internet for address directories. Personnel and Medical Records.
A typical personnel file has information about service dates, marital status, dependents, rank, salary, assignments, education level, decorations, service number, birth date and place, death date and place, and sometimes a photo. For an explanation of how to apply for a personnel file using the National Archives form SF 180 and Internet links to the form, go to. Also use SF 180 to request a 'complete' military medical file, which is in separate archives. Message Boards and Queries Use the Internet to contact people who may be able to tell you more about your veteran, his military unit, or its history.
Post queries on the 'Military Search Bulletin Board' at. Cyndi's List of genealogy sites on the Internet has two categories linking you to relevant resources, repositories, people, societies, and records: • United States—US Military at • World War II at Internet Search Engines Use search engines like to search for information about the history of World War II battles, military units, and individuals with unusual names. Use the ARC search engine at to help find World War II records preserved at the National Archives. Casualty Lists Army and Army Air Force Casualty Lists are on the Internet. Within each county they are slphabetical by name and only include those who died from wounds received in the line of duty. They show name rank, serial number, and type of casualty.